Games Workshop

T'au Empire: Kroot Trail Shaper

$29.75 $35

Introducing the T'au Empire: Kroot Trail Shaper, a versatile leader adept at guiding your Kroot forces through the treacherous terrain of Warhammer 40,000. From the skilled artisans at Games Workshop comes this finely detailed model, embodying the cunning and resourcefulness of the Kroot.

Inside this box, you'll uncover the Kroot Trail Shaper, a master tracker and pathfinder revered among his kin. With a keen eye for detail and an intimate knowledge of the wilderness, he ensures that his warband navigates the battlefield with unmatched efficiency and stealth.

Equipped with specialized tools and weaponry tailored for scouting and reconnaissance, the Kroot Trail Shaper leads his fellow warriors along hidden paths and through dense cover, striking swiftly and decisively at the enemy's flanks.

Whether you're expanding your T'au Empire forces or assembling a dedicated Kroot warband, the Kroot Trail Shaper is an invaluable addition to your collection. With his guidance, your forces will outmaneuver and outflank the enemy, securing victory for the Greater Good.

Embrace the cunning strategy of the Kroot Trail Shaper and forge your path to victory in the war-torn universe of Warhammer 40,000. Join the ranks of the T'au Empire and lead your forces to triumph in the name of progress and unity!

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